Lunch per person ranges from $15-$22 and dinner ranges $25-$34 per person.
The menu is prix fixe, which means it's usually a 3-5 course menu that's already picked out. This is an AWESOME deal, especially if you've been meaning to try out some new restaurants. I did Dine About New York and Dine About San Francisco when I was in the area, and it was defintiely a great experience. I can't wait to try out some new restaurants!
Some noteworthy participating restaurants include:
The Lobster
Ruth Chris
Boa Steakhouse
Sushi Roku
Ocean Avenue Seafood
For a list of all participating restaurants, go to:

I've never tried that brand before, but I'm excited to get it for free:)
Came across your site randomly...this site is a great idea for those deal hunting queens..like me! Hopefully you'll find great finds/deals!!
I just read your comment! What kind of skin routine are you using that's working for you?
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