Simply visit:
Once there, you will be able to print out a coupon good for $4 off any bag of dog or cat food. Print one coupon, and after it prints, hit your back button on your browser two times, and it will print it again. So you should have 2 coupons. (This is a sneaky little way for you to get 2 printed instead of 1) This coupon is good for ANY Purina bag of food (Fancy Feast, Purina, Friskies, etc). I've used it twice on Friskies cat food. At Ralphs/Krogers, the price is $4.99, so they double it and your cost= FREE. Or it's $3.24 at Target, so it's free and you make about 80 cents. What's also great is that for each coupon you use, Purina will donate $1 to the animal shelter of your choice. So, not only do you get free food for your poochie or kitty, you get to help out! If you don't have a pet, you can get the free food and donate it to your local shelter or use to to feed strays! So, you get your deal of the day as well as your good deed of the day out of the way. Stay tuned for more deals tomorrow as well as a fresh new (and FIRST!!) outfit of the day!!! Please leave comments if you have any suggestions or to just say hello :)
Great site! Can you tell me a zip code to put in for the purina coupon? I have a cat and dog and the coupons are great but I like in Kentucky and there are no shelters participating . . . any recommendations on a shelter to donate to?
You can put my zip code 90404, and put up to 25 miles. I personally don't know the shelter, but I figure donating to any animal shelter is good, right? :)
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